Gaming Bot

The all-round discord bot for gamers

I can create temporary Voice Channels (with Text Channels) after a quick setup, so there’s no more hassle with making sure your members always have enough (but not too many) Voice Channels. Obviously I delete them as soon as they are empty.

I can also give Members Roles when they react to a message. Highly configurable of course! (Including but not limited to Temporary Roles, meaning they get revoked after a specified amount of time)

I  am also equipped with some Moderation actions like kicking, banning etc. with a neat Case# system, which keeps even the biggest of mod log channels clean & understandable.

Want to stay updated with your favorite Youtube/Twitch Channel? No problem, I can announce any new videos/streams with a message you can freely define.


I was brought to life on 11th April 2020.


Members serving

Temp Voice Channels created

Temp Text Channels created

Roles assigned




Temp Channels

Reaction Roles


Youtube alerts




Error Logs

Moderation Logs

Member Logs

Role Logs

Bot Features

Temp Voice & Text Channels

Members can create their own Voice Channels (and Text if you set me up that way) so your Server is always clean and tidy!

Member Commands

Each Member can control his own Channel, like renaming, locking, kicking etc.

Reaction Roles

A good Gaming Discord must not miss Reaction Roles. Whether to let people choose their games, or for simply rule acknowledgement – You choose!

Easy to install

Even though the help command is pretty good, we have Tutorials to cover all the common uses.

Admin Commands

A wide variety of Admin Commands to change my settings to your liking!

Online 24/7

I am running on my own dedicated Server, so an uptime of 99.9% can be guaranteed!


My Commands

If you want to know my prefix, just mention me and I will let you know like this:

General Usage: <prefix>command (<details>)

Default Prefix is / (Slash Commands) and can’t be changed.



<> = required
[] = optional





help Displays all the available commands for your permission level &help [command] h, halp
set Change Settings for your Server. (Most important Command to set me up for your Server!) &set setting, settings
&set <get> <category>
&set <edit> <category> <key> <value>
&set <del> <category> <key>


  • All commands, will send an Embed with a Case # to the logging Channel modLogs. I highly encourage to set one!
  • For all commands the reason parameter is optional. Once posting you will have a chance to set the reason with the reason command!
  • Possible ways to input a User:
    1. Mention
    2. exact name
    3. ID
  • Possible ways to input a duration: <number><format> (no bracket in between!), eg. 10d for 10 days, 20m for 20 minutes
    Possible <formats> are:
    • s = seconds
    • m = minutes
    • h = hours
    • d = days
    • w = weeks
  • <messageDaysDelete> is the amount of days of messages to delete

<> = required
[] = optional




Required Mod Level

ban Ban a User from the Server. &ban <user> <messageDaysDelete> [reason] Senior Moderator
kick Kick a User from the Server. &kick <user> [reason] Moderator
mute Mute a User in the Server (He can’t send messages in Text Channels, react to messages and join Voice Channels) &mute <user> [reason] Moderator
unban Unban a User from the Server.* &unban <userID> [reason] Senior Moderator
unmute Unmute a User in the Server. &unmute <user> [reason] Moderator
reason Set a reason to a previous Mod Action (Only possible if there has been no reason set yet) &reason <caseNumber> <reason> The Case Moderator & Admins
tempban Temporarily ban a User from the Server. &tempban <user> <duration> <messageDaysDelete> [reason] Senior Moderator
tempmute Temporarily mute a User in the Server (He can’t send messages in Text Channels, react to messages and join Voice Channels) &tempmute <user> <duration> [reason] Moderator

*This is the only command which requires the User Input to be his User ID!

Voice – These commands are used to control temp Voice & Text Channels created by me
*members can use these on their own temp channels

When you set me up to create Text Channels with the Voice Channels, I will send an explanation inside the Text Channel after creation too, so you don’t have to worry about explaining this to your members yourself!

<> = required
[] = optional




Only Channel Owner?
Can be used with a simple reaction
name Changes the Channels name (both Voice & Text) &voice name <name>
lock Locks your channel, so nobody can enter &voice lock
unlock Unlocks your channel &voice unlock
hide Hide/Unhides your channel &voice hide
limit Limits how many people can join the channel (0 for unlimited) &voice limit <number>
claim Take over as Channel Owner, once the original Owner has left &voice claim
transfer Transfer ownership of Temp Channel to another member &voice transfer <member>
allow Allow the mentioned User(s)/Role(s) to join your Channel &voice allow <mentionUserOrRole1> [mentionUserOrRole2] […]
kick Reject the mentioned Users from joining your Channel and kick them if they are in it &voice kick <mentionUser1> [mentionUser2] […]
togglePTT Toggle Push to talk for this Channel &voice togglePTT
toggleStreaming Toggle Streaming permission in this Channel &voice toggleStreaming


Other Voice Commands





join Request to join a Temp Voice Channel you currently do not have access to.
Will give you a list of Temp Channels to specify which one you want access to.
Will ask the Channel Owner to accept/deny your request(with a simple reaction).



<> = required
[] = optional





info Gives some useful Server statistics &info server, serverinfo
invite Links my official invite link to add me to another Server &invite none
mylevel Tells you your permission level for this Server &mylevel none
ping Shows you the current ping for the bot and the API. Mostly used to see if the bot is running. &ping none
say I will say the text for you &say <text> none
stats Gives some useful bot statistics &stats none
vote Links my official vote links to show some appreciation <3 &vote none







premium Check, if this Server has Premium, which Tier and when it expires. Also shows you how you can get Premium &premium none


Admin Settings (/settings)

These are all the available categories & keys to edit with the /settings edit command. For Usage, see the set command in System above or use the help command in your Server!





Member Role

If you have some kind of Verification System set up, where the base permissions for members come from a different role than the @everyone role, save the new ‘base Role’ here.

  • Example:
    New Members can only see rules, and on acknowledging them they get the Role Member. With the Role Member they can see & use the rest of the Server. Then you’d want to save the role Member as the memberRole.
Bot Role This Role will get access to all temp text channels, so it is mostly used for Music Bots etc. Technically it can be applied to non bots too 😉
Mod Role The moderator role (can mute, tempmute & kick) and by default gets access to all temp text channels
Senior Mod Role The senior moderator role (everything that the Mod Role gets + ban/tempban)
Admin Role The admin role (everything the Senior Mod Role gets + change bot settings)
Enable Moderation Enable/Disable the moderation commands for this bot
System Notice When true, I will respond with a small alert when people try to execute commands outside of their power. For example a Moderator tries to ban someone
No Embed Description** When true, removes the description inside all embeds sent by me
No Embed Footer** When true, removes the footer inside all embeds sent by me
Embed Footer*** Text to be the new footer for all embeds sent by me.

** This is a Patreon Gold+ feature!

*** This is a Patreon Platinum feature!

(This is something explained often times, and when people need support in the Support Server, often the issues can be resolved by setting an error log channel. All errors get logged here, and if you have one, you will have a better Bot experience overall. It can for example easily happen, that channel overwrites take away permissions from the Bot that are crucial for it to work – if so, it will log an error here. So please set one up!!)




Error Logs The error log channel. If I face issues, for example missing permissions I will post an alert in this channel! HIGHLY recommended to set a valid channel!
Mod Logs The moderation log channel. All moderation actions will be logged here, with a case number associated to the action
Member Logs The member log channel. When people join/leave the Server, I will log it here with some information about them. Also when they change their nicknames, I will log it here, so nobody can get around warnings/punishments that easy 😉
Role Logs The role log channel. Everything about roles will be logged here, meaning creation/deletion of roles, name,color,hoist,permission editing etc.


There’s more than 1 Voice category. Each category stands for one Master Channel.
Non Premium Servers can have 1 Master Channel. Premium have more (depending on level).

The Temp Voice channels copy their permissions from their Category. So if you want to change these, you need to edit the category permissions.

Temp Voice Settings





Enabled Enable/Disable the Temp Channel Creation
Master Channel Also known as the “Join to create” channel
Name The Name Preset of created temp channels Possible Variables:

  • {{username}}
  • {{counter}}
  • {{game}}
Position The position where the new Channels should be created top / bottom
Size The User Limit the Channels should be created with (0 for unlimited)
Bitrate * The bitrate of the Temp Voice Channels in kbps
Default Game
This will replace the {{game}} variable for the name, if no game is being played Only has an effect, if the {{game}} variable is used in the Name or Text Channel Name
No Game Name
If you want to give channels a completely different naming scheme, when {{game}} is in the name, but if no game is being played, use this Possible Variables:

  • {{username}}
  • {{counter}}
Per Member Cooldown The cooldown for each user after creating a Temp Channel before they can create another one in seconds
Channel Owner Role This Role will be given to each channel owner and removed as soon as they are no longer a channel owner.
Voice Channel Category If you want the temp channels to appear in a different category than the Master Channel, use this
Dedicated Text Channel
Enable/Disable the creation of dedicated text channels alongside temp voice channels If set to false, the text in voice channel will be used
Text Channel Category If you want a dedicated text channel created alongside the temp voice channels, set the category here
Text Channel Name If you want to give the Text Channel a different default name than the Voice Channel, set the name for the Text Channel here. Possible Variables:

  • {{username}}
  • {{counter}}
  • {{game}}
Text Channel Visible Should the Text Channel only be visible to those inside + Moderators (channel) or simply to copy the category permissions (category)? channel / category
Copy Category Permissions I will copy the permissions of the text channel category for temp text channels before beginning the actual permission calulations (giving Mod Role access, Channel Owner special perms etc.) Only has an effect, when Text Channel Visible is set to channel!
Topic The topic of the temp text channel
Nsfw I will mark the temp text channel as NSFW.
Slow Mode Will set the temp text channel to slow mode with this many seconds between messages. in seconds (0 for disable)
Text Info Embed Enable/Disable the channel info embed to be posted contains info about the current settings of the temp channel
Create Invite * Enable/Disable the invite code generation for every temp voice channel
Invite Temporary *
Whether members that joined via the invite should be automatically kicked after 24 hours if they have not yet received a role
Invite Age * Amount of time the invite code will be valid for in minutes, 0 for unlimited
Invite Uses * Amunt of uses for the invite code 0 for unlimited
Text Help Embed Enable/Disable the help embed (explaining the voice commands for channel owners) to be posted contains info for channel owners how to control their channel
Text Send ** This is a message I am going to send and pin inside every freshly created Temp Text Channel (below my own embeds). This is for you to set up some Server information that is not connected to the bot. (All mentions work, so be careful with using @everyone and @here) Markdown supported!
Possible Variables:

  • {{username}}
  • {{@user}}
Enable Claiming Enables users to claim channel ownership of temp channels once the original owner has left
Enable Renaming Enables channel owners to rename their channel With the voice name command and/or via Discord Interface (MANAGE CHANNEL permission)
Enable Locking
Enables channel owners to lock/unlock their channel
Enable Hiding
Enables channel owners to hide/unhide their channel


* This is a Patreon Silver+ feature!
** This is a Patreon Gold+ feature!



  • {{username}} will be replaced with the username of the user
  • {{counter}} will add an enumeration to the channel names and order them appropriately
    (So rooms will for example be called Room #1, Room #2, Room #3 etc.)
  • {{game}} will be replaced with the game currently being played by the user
  • {{@user}} will be replaced with a mention of the user

There’s more than 1 Reaction category. Each category stands for one Reaction Message.
Non Premium Servers can have 1 Message with 7 Reaction Roles. Premium have more (depending on level).





Enabled Enable/Disable the Reaction Role Category
Message The Message ID of the Message with the reactions. (Has the be an ID!)
Temporary Are these Reaction Roles temporary? Meaning should they be automatically removed after a certain amount of time?
Remove After Amount of time after which the roles should get removed in minutes
Remove Reaction Once the Role gets removed, should the corresponding reaction get removed too?
Emoji1 The first emoji I should look out for and give a role when reacted
Role1 The Role I should assign when someone reacts to the set message with emoji1
EmojiX More Emojis I should look out for and give a role when reacted
RoleX The RoleX I should assign when someone reacts to the set message with emojiX
Make sure the numbers match, as emoji2 gives role2, emoji3 gives role3 etc. 🙂


If you want to get alerts when a youtube channel of your choosing uploads a video, this is your category!







enabled Enable / Disable the Youtube alerts true / false
ytChannel The Youtube Channel link text Has to start with “”
channel The Discord Channel where you want the notifications to be sent
  • channelMention
  • channelID
  • channelName
text The Text I will send on a video upload. text

Markdown supported!
Possible Variables:

  • {{channelName}}
  • {{channelLink}}
  • {{videoName}}



  • {{channelName}} will be replaced with the name of the channel.
  • {{channelLink}} will be replaced with the link of the channel.
  • {{videoName}} will be replaced with the name of the video.

If you want to get alerts when a twitch channel of your choosing goes live, this is your category!







enabled Enable / Disable the Twitch alerts true / false
twChannel The Twitch Channel link text
channel The Discord Channel where you want the notifications to be sent
  • channelMention
  • channelID
  • channelName
text The Text I will send when the channel goes live. text

Markdown supported!
Possible Variables:

  • {{channelName}}
  • {{title}}



  • {{channelName}} will be replaced with the name of the channel.
  • {{title}} will be replaced with the title of the stream.
If you have streamers in your server that you want to give more visibility in the member list, you can have me assign them a (hoisted) live role when they go live.

Streaming Roles (LIVE ROLE)




Enabled Enable / Disable the streaming roles.
Streamer Role
The role that a member needs to have to receive the Live Role, when he goes live (f.e. dedicated streamers)
Live Role
The role the streamers receive when they are live



Enabling Discord Developer Mode (needed to copy Channel & Message IDs)

User Settings > Appearance > Advanced > Enable Developer Mode

Changing Access to Slash Commands

Server Settings > Integrations > Gaming Bot
Here you can finely tune which roles/members have access to which slash commands (in which channels).
No need to edit the bot with commands, you have perfect control via this interface.

Setting up the admin, moderator and senior moderator roles
Admin Role
Senior Moderator Role

Moderator Role

Temp Voice (& Text) Channels

If you have purchased premium, you can set up more than 1 master channel.
To do that, use the (now available) premium version of this command that has another input: category-number.
By selecting a category-number > 1, it will be an independent master channel.
How many categories you have access to depends on your premium level.


  1. Run the command /setup voice and have the Bot create everything for you as you tell the bot how you like it set up by selecting one of the presets.
    (Everything from here on is optional depending on your needs)
  2. To change the permissions of the Temp Voice channels, you can to edit their category permissions to your liking, as they just copy them.
  3. Type /settings view and select the category Temp Voice Settings to see all available settings.
Reaction Roles

If you have purchased premium, you can set up more than 1 reaction role message.
To do that, use the (now available) premium version of this command that has another input: category-number.
By selecting a category-number > 1, it will be an independent reaction role message.
How many categories you have access to depends on your premium level.

  1. Set up a Channel with your message, or pin the message somewhere. This is your choice!
    The only important thing to do – once done – is to copy the message ID
  2. Enable the Reaction Roles category
  3. Save the (in step 1) saved Message ID
  4. Save the first emoji you want a role associated with
  5. Save the Role you want the first Emoji associated with
  6. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for more Roles and Emojis. Just make sure the setting-keys match, as Emoji2 will give Role2, Emoji3 will give Role3 etc.
  7. IMPORTANT: React to the Message yourself in the order you want the Emojis to appear, as I will not do that

It might also be a good idea to disable the ‘Add Reactions’ permissions for @everyone in this channel, as this disallows them to add new reactions. They can however still react to the message with emojis that are already present. This way the message stays clean 🙂

Youtube Alerts
For another Youtube Channel, replace the category youtube with youtube2 , youtube3 etc.
How many categories you have access to, depends on your access. Free has 1 / Patreon has more
(To see your available categories, type &set. This will list all your available categories!)

  1. Enable the Youtube category by typing
    &set edit youtube enabled true
  2. Get the channel link of the youtube channel. IMPORTANT NOTE: The link has to start with “”, and not “” otherwise it won’t work!
  3. Save the channel link in the ytChannel setting by typing
    &set edit youtube ytChannel LINK (replace LINK with the link you retrieved in step 2)
  4. Decide in which Discord channel the alerts are supposed to go, then save it by typing
    &set edit youtube channel CHANNEL (replace CHANNEL with a mention of the textChannel)
  5. If you want to change the default text used for the alert, change it by typing
    &set edit youtube text YOURTEXT (replace YOURTEXT with the text you want to use.)*


*Markdown supported!
Available variables:

  • {{channelName}} to be replaced by the name of the YT channel
  • {{channelLink}} to be replaced with a link to the YT channel
  • {{videoName}} to be replaced with the title of the Video
Twitch Alerts

For another Twitch Channel, replace the category twitch with twitch2 , twitch3 etc.
How many categories you have access to, depends on your access. Free has 1 / Patreon has more
(To see your available categories, type &set. This will list all your available categories!)

  1. Enable the Twitch category by typing
    &set edit twitch enabled true
  2. Get the channel link of the Twitch channel.
  3. Save the channel link in the twChannel setting by typing
    &set edit twitch twChannel LINK (replace LINK with the link you retrieved in step 2)
  4. Decide in which Discord channel the alerts are supposed to go, then save it by typing
    &set edit twitch channel CHANNEL (replace CHANNEL with a mention of the textChannel)
  5. If you want to change the default text used for the alert, change it by typing
    &set edit twitch text YOURTEXT (replace YOURTEXT with the text you want to use.)*


*Markdown supported!
Available variables:

  • {{channelName}} to be replaced by the name of the Twitch channel
  • {{title}} to be replaced by the title of the stream

I am listed on

Gaming Bot

Join my support Server For news & Updates

On my Discord Support Server, you will not only find tutorials and general support – you will have access to the latest news and updates. And because it’s from the community for the community: make and vote on suggestions and features. And my Creator is always listening, so get in touch directly!

A word from my Creator

Originally migrating from Teamspeak to Discord the biggest thing I was missing are Text Channels that correspond to Voice Channels. So if you set my Bot up this way, he will create Text Channels with the Voice Channels, which only people inside (and Server Moderators) can see. Just like the good old Teamspeak days!

I am striving to make this the ultimate Bot for Gaming Communities / Groups, so if you are missing a feature, please DO join the Support Server and submit a suggestion or vote for/against already made suggestions!